Anna Chandy & Associates

Anna is the Founder of Anna Chandy & Associates and has been deeply involved in the mental health domain in India for nearly 30 years.

Her body of work encompasses counselling individuals from various walks of life including social influencers, entrepreneurs and business families; training and mentoring counsellors; and leading important strategic interventions aimed at driving systemic change in the country’s mental health ecosystem.

As a widely acknowledged thought leader in the mental health sector and philanthropist, she is now partnering with social influencers to create a community support model that addresses the mental health needs of a societal ecosystem.

Anna Chandy & Associates team
The Anna Chandy & Associates team

“Therapy enables us to withstand crisis and come through our dark holes.”

Anna Chandy

Anna Chandy & Associates

Anna Chandy & Associates

Project from Anna Chandy & Associates

Health and Well-Being
